This latest series of downloadable miniature railroad structures is suitable for N scale layouts, OO gauge, or HO scale railroads. The 7 printable paper model plans can be assembled with cardboard to make them very strong and durable and include: a track side passenger shelter, a rural railway station (gray brickwork), a toilet block (restrooms), male and female toilets (restrooms), a train station platform underpass (subway) complete with a roof shelter, a newsstand (gray brick), and another newsstand (red texture). The stationmaster (is that you) would be happy to have this range of model train buildings and structures at his/her disposal.The printable paper plans can be downloaded and constructed with scrap cardboard (old cardstock cereal container) to make these model railroad buildings really tough to withstand years of service.
This a guide to the tools you’ll need and the simple construction process.
Super glue works best for small parts. Extra card can be glued inside for increased strength (optional).

The model train station in this series uses a gray brick texture with red door and red window frames to pack in the character and charm to this design. Cardboard can be used for construction along with the option to use balsa wood or dowel (painted gray) for the end post supports. Texture of a concrete platform base is included, but using this is optional. The gray platform would certainly set-off the model train station if is being constructed as a small stand-alone model diorama scene. The edges of the assembled models can touched up with felt tipped fens, or an artist brush (optional), and the model train station can given a couple of light coats of matt varnish spray for further protection (optional).
Matching the brickwork of the railway station is a toilet block with male and female restrooms. This restroom structure has a small gray brick wall for privacy surrounding the two entrance doors. Other paper models to download in this series of model train buildings includes: a smaller toilet block that could be positioned elsewhere on the layout (maybe in a park or recreation area); a passenger trackside shelter with seat perfect for use as bus stop or tiny rural train station passenger shelter; along with two train station news stands. There is a gray brick news stand to match the brickwork used for the restrooms. This latest series of printable designs features a Newsstand building rendered in red texture. It comes with a gray base which will be popular with anyone wanting to create a small diorama scene. Both newsstands have signage and miniature copies of magazines and newspapers to add to the realism of these printable station models. It should be noted that the model train buildings in this series can be put together using a variety of materials, but cardboard used on products you find in the supermarket is ideal. Balsa wood when painted can be an excellent material to make impressive posts like is seen on the small gray brick textured model train station in this series of OO gauge, N scale and HO scale train station buildings. The printable plans can be downloaded to OO/HO or N scale PDF sizing.
Also a feature of this series is a train station platform underpass (subway) for passengers to use to get to and from the model train station without risking crossing the railway tracks. This cleverly designed paper model can be assembled with or without the wooden shelter to protect passengers from the rain when climbing the stair entering or exiting the model train station. These print-outs after download can be printed multiple times to make multiple copies (personal use only) if required, so the model train station could have a platform subway underpass entrance near the station or newsstand on the railroad platform and a subway underpass exit on one or both sides of the track. The design for this replica platform underpass has concrete steps with concrete and tiled walls, signage, and the optional timber shelter to cover passengers when they climb up or down the steps to/from the station underpass. This is a cleverly designed paper model that can be recessed into the platform to give the illusion the underpass actually does extend under the railway tracks. These model train station buildings and structures can be downloaded to make HO scale structures, OO gauge structures, or N scale structures. Select the scale you want at the checkout.